Tyrann Mathieu, also known as the "Honey Badger," is not only a talented football player but also a man with a story to tell through his tattoos. Each tattoo on his body holds significant meaning, representing different aspects of...
Pickleball is the fastest-growing sport in America and pro athletes are jumping on the train. Recently major stars like LeBron James, Kevin Durant, and Drew Brees all invested in professional teams. It's not a shock that athletes like Tom...
The Dallas Cowboys is given the moniker “America’s team,” and possess some of the most diehard fans of any sports franchise. This love of the team for some runs deep as fans sport tattoos that show their loyalty to...
Broncos fans are among some of the most dedicated in the entire NFL. We also believe their fans have some of the best-looking tattoos we have seen among any team. Our team of overpaid sports writers have been scouring...
Our team has spent hours looking at Instagram, Reddit, Tik-Tok, and other websites to find you the best Raiders Tattoo designs of 2022. Check out the Raider tattoo designs below and let us know what you think in the...
The San Francisco 49ers are planning to sign former Bucs backup QB Josh Johnson through the season. The 49ers have been plagued with injuries and Garoppolo has not looked great. There is talk that the 49ers will be moving...
Arizona - DK Metcalf is a freak of nature. But we didn't know he was this fast. Arizona's Budda Baker had a brilliant interception against the Seahawks on Sunday night. It had all looked like a pick 6 until...
Charlotte - Joe Person of The Athletic reported that Christian McCaffrey suited up for the first time in over 4 weeks today. McCaffrey's time-table for return had been 4-6 weeks. However, fantasy owners and fans were both concerned when...
You know what they say, the road to wins is paved with good intentions.if that’s the case then the Falcons are this  years Super Bowl champs. Leading them to victory is former LA Rams Todd Gurley. Gurley showed us all...
The NY Giants quarterback Daniel Jones had himself a run last night. Daniel Jones broke free at his 10-yard line with nothing but green grass in front of him. This was Daniel's moment to run it into the endzone...

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